Men’s Club Championship


Club Championships 2024

  Mens_Club_Championship_Rules_2024.pdf (251.3 KiB, 125 hits)

The 2024 Men’s Club Championship, generously sponsored by Build It Hermanus, will be played over the weekend of 2 and 3 March 2024. Please refer to the attached poster and conditions for more information about this prestigious event.

The A Division will again play all 27 holes each day, from the yellow tees.

For the 2nd time ever, a Senior Division (medal) will be played. Members 60 and older can enter and play from the Blue Tees, with a Handicap Index (HI) of 14.9 and under.

Competition Fee: R185. No green fees will be charged.

If interested in participating, please add your name to the relevant entry list on the notice board at the Club or contact us on (028) 312 1954 to add your name to the list.
Please also indicate on the entry list if you would like to book a golf cart (first come first served).

Entries close at noon on Monday, 26 February 2024.

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