Izibusiso Golf Day

Izibusiso IZIBUSISO is a small home in Zwelihle, Hermanus where abandoned, abused or vulnerable children under the age of three years are taken in and cared for until suitable arrangements can be made for their futures. Most of the children who are admitted to Izibusiso have heartbreaking stories to tell, some are brought to them when they are only 6 hours old, many of the babies or toddlers are severely undernourished and emotionally fragile, most have never known a stable and loving environment – Izibusiso is their first experience of a warm, caring home.

IZIBUSISO (House of Many Blessings) is funded and run by a group of women from the United Church in Hermanus who work under the guidance of Hermanus Child Welfare. Apart from paying the salaries of the House Mothers who care for the children they finance the day to day running of the house plus all additional costs involved with the children’s nutritional, medical and developmental needs. They have no major funding and need to be financially self sufficient – hence the necessity for them to raise funds to sustain their work.

THE IZIBUSISO CHARITY GOLF DAY will be their major fundraising effort this year.

  Izibusiso Golf Day Poster (129.3 KiB, 3,087 hits)

  Izibusiso Golf Day Entry Form (46.8 KiB, 3,122 hits)

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