[ 12/02/2023; 12:00 pm to 1:52 pm. ] Entries have closed. Competition format: 4Ball alliance, 2&1 (4 scores to count on stroke 18). There is a prize for the 4Ball with the highest Stableford points on Stroke 18. 100% handicap allowance. Please check in at the Pro Shop to register a round. Collect scorecards from registration table at 11:00am. Prizes for the best dressed team, NTP and drive closest to [...]
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[ 04/02/2023; 12:00 pm to 1:52 pm. ] The ICM Cup was presented by IC Motors (Bredasdorp). First played for in 1968, started by Peter Theron of IC Motors to accommodate men who did not have a game in Hermanus when the Daysh Cup (ladies only tournament) is played. The ICM Cup is played over two 18 hole rounds, the 1st round is played at [...]
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[ 20/11/2022; ] [download id="339"] The Walker Bay Classic Mixed is going to celebrate its 18th Birthday on the 20th of November 2022! It has grown from small, friendly beginnings into “the premier Cape golf club event to play in”. The Walker Bay Classic Mixed offers good, clean golf – and a bit of fun. The answer to why it is so special [...]
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[ 19/11/2022; ] [download id="338"] The Walker Bay Classic is going to celebrate its 39th Birthday on the 19th of November 2022! It has grown from small, friendly beginnings into “the premier Cape golf club event to play in”. This year, we will again utilize the entire beautifully manicured 27-hole golf course, playing all three nines. As always, there will be awesome prizes up for [...]
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[ 22/04/2022; 11:30 am to 1:22 pm. ]
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