Benevolent Golf Day Results

The Provincial Hospital, Huis Lettie Theron and SOFCA, have over the past years been instrumental in providing the community of Hermanus, and beyond its borders, with vital services that would otherwise be inaccessible to many.  

In recognition of the financial needs of these three institutions the Hermanus Golf Club has again made the Golf Course available, free of charge, to raise funds for the Benevolent Golf Day. Seven years ago these institutions merged to raise funds in an effort that businesses and individuals need not be approached separately three times a year for funds. We are of the opinion that the beneficiaries, businesses and individuals have benefited by this endeavour.  

Through friends, family, or the people we employ, we are all potentially involved in one way or another in the day-to-day running of these institutions. We believe that as businesses and residents of Hermanus we are more than willing to extend a helping hand to support these three institutions financially, especially in the present economic times we are experiencing.  

There will be many prizes, a raffle and a lucky draw. Come and enjoy a day of fun and good companionship.  

If you need any more information please contact Tarryn on (028) 312 1954.  


Tarryn-Lee Schwulst (HGC Convenor), Wendy Dunn, Mike Dunn & Dave Smith (Convenor)


Morning competition: 4BBB Stableford  

1st: Mike & Wendy Dunn – 47  

2nd: David Naylor & Mannes van Zyl – 45  

3rd: Mike Graham & Dave Smith – c/i 44  

4th: Don Stewart & Jeff Pulker – c/o 44  

5th: Nigel Pfister & André Naude – c/o 44  

6th: Gert Keuler & Tony de Beer – c/o 44  

7th: Siegfried Winsauer & Helmut Reindl – c/i 43  

8th: M. Nagtegaal & W. Nagtegaal – c/o 43  

9th: Ines & John van der Plas – c/o 43  

10th: André Hattingh & Marius – c/o 43  

11th: Zenith & Wendell Meiring – c/o 43 

Afternoon Competition – Alliance Stableford: 

1st: Superway Construction – c/i 81 (Andries, LJ, Jaun & Heinrich) 

2nd: Abaquip – c/o 81 (Messrs Terris, Pienaar, Schreuder & Schlechter) 

3rd: Top Steel – c/o 81 (Mr Williams, Elton Booysen, Mr Kruger & Merson Arendse) 

4th: Checkers – c/i 80 (Deon Esterhuyse, Hennes Schreuder, Ian & Audie van Noordwyk) 

5th: Onrus Pharmacy – c/o 80 (Theo Agenbag, Mr Carstens, Jaco Sadie & Mr Quincey) 

6th: Danie van der Spuy Architect – c/i 78 (Danie van der Spuy, Mark, Paul & Junior) 

7th: Stucco Italiano – c/o 78 (Sue Garlick, Pippa Meyer, Tracy le Roux & Lynne Behagg) 

8th: Hermanus Old Boys – c/o 78 (André, Andy, DJ Schneider & Emile Calitz) 

9th: CEM Motors – c/o 78 (Johann van Huyssteen, Messrs Schoeman, Richards & Venter) 

10th: The Furniture Shoppe – c/i 77 (Pierre Barkley, Roy Smith, Shaun & Michael) 

11th: Herman Kühn’s Team – c/o77 (Messrs van Zyl, Fourie, Jan Kühn & Herman Kühn)

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