Boland Golf Leagues

A Legacy of Competition & Camaraderie

Kruger League

The Krüger Challenge Cup was presented by C H Krüger M.D.F.R.C.S in 1919 for competition amongst the Country Golf Clubs of the Western Cape. This, Stirling Silver Trophy, is certainly the oldest being contested in the Boland, with Wellington Golf Club the first winner of this competition in 1919. The Krüger League was the top league in the Boland until 1993 when the Premier League was started.

Brodie League

Founded in 1935 when Mr P F Brodie, of Worcester, donated a trophy to the Boland Golf Sub Union, for the WPGU “Country Section”, Brodie, a handicap league, with maximum handicap of 14 allowed. It is most probably the league most enjoyed by the players,as it is more of a social game in comparison to the other leagues.

Senior League

For more information please visit

Ladies League

Boland Ladies Golf league is actively supported by a large section of the Boland Clubs and their members. There are currently four league divisions: The 3 ‘handicap’ divisions will be known as Pinotage, Merlot and Shiraz. The former Winelands is re-named Chenin Division.

The competition is Four Ball Better Ball Match Play.

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